Capital Campaign “The Future of Hope”

Our capital campaign goal is set at $1,250,000
Because we need to continually serve our male residents we will build in three rapidly successive phases. Construction documents for the first building, the Resident Services Building, are underway now and will be submitted to the Baytown Planning Department by mid-year. Once that building is completed we will demolish the current Administration Building and begin construction of the new Men’s Shelter on that site. Hopefully, we will stick shovels in the ground later this year.
Yes, there are naming rights for every portion of this project, from the entire project, to entire buildings, to individual rooms and amenities. Each member of our campaign team has copies of the list, and available opportunities.
Absolutely! Donors may pledge to give to the campaign over one to three years. A copy of our pledge form is available at this link (link coming soon!).
There will be a significant increase in services capacity with increased space for food storage allowing for larger bulk purchases, areas designed specifically for technical training of both residents and staff, increased case management and confidential interview areas, and the addition of 4 beds for “temporary residents“ who seek shelter from inclement weather. Also, enhanced security systems will be designed into the project’s three new buildings (interior and exterior) and energy-efficient utilities fixtures will be the norm.
Yes, primarily the pandemic has had a significant effect on the timing of the project. We did not want to begin fundraising while our local donors, both individuals and businesses, were recovering from the uncertainties of the pandemic.
Yes, we anticipate the three new buildings will add to the annual budgets for utilities and insurance. However, we anticipate a significant reduction in the amount spent on maintenance on the old 1930’s era buildings. While we can’t be assured that these will exactly offset, we have taken steps to mitigate anticipated increases. In all conversations with our architect, PGAL, we have stressed that energy efficient lighting, water reduction measures, and the most durable finishings and fixtures be used to decrease ongoing maintenance costs.
Our last capital campaign was in 2015. The “Building Hope” campaign resulted in the construction of the Britton-Fuller Center for Intact Homeless Families that opened in June 2016. Since then, 214 homeless families have been served in that facility.
At present, we provide our services totally free to our residents. This includes tuition to entry-level certification courses at local providers like Lee College and Houston Area Safety Council. We know that incoming residents are usually either unemployed or marginally employed. Most are under such financial difficulties that making payment for services like BAHS provides impossible to afford.
Our campus is in Baytown, a Houston suburb. All resident services are provided in Baytown, but residents find us from all over the country. Naturally, most non-Baytown residents are from Greater Houston and are seeking a safer, more employment-oriented shelter than they can find in downtown Houston. In addition to our residential services we provide outreach services with supplies, food, and resource information to the homeless in Chambers and Liberty Counties, as well as the rural areas of East Harris County.
Probably the least known fact about our innovative agency is that we work hard to educate our residents about the positive rewards of employment. All unemployed adults must attend our Employment Services training sessions with topics such as resume preparation, interviewing skills, mock interviews, and retaining employment for long term success. During 2022 we assisted 58 unemployed or underemployed adults achieve jobs with a total annualized income of $1,375,632. This is money that is not only earned in our community but remains in the community when the residents purchase goods and services, find housing, and remain stably housed.