Bay Area Homeless Services

Mane Event 2025

The mission of Bay Area Homeless Services (BAHS) is to assist the homeless and those at risk of homelessness to attain self-sufficiency, acquire permanent housing, and return to independent living as contributing members of society by providing an array of supportive services.

High Quality Personalized Services

At Bay Area Homeless Services, Inc., we take care to provide our clients high quality services personalized for their unique needs.

Emergency Shelter Services

BAHS provides emergency homeless shelter services for low-income clients in the East Harris County, Baytown, Liberty County and Chambers County area.

Employment Services

Bay Area Homeless Services provides pre-employment, post employment, job readiness, employment maintenance, casework, and classes for current and former clients.

Speaker Services

Homelessness is a subject that touches everyone in our service area communities. Prevention of homelessness, likewise, is an important topic because of the economic impact that homelessness has on each member of society, both in a direct, and indirect manner.

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The Mission

The mission of Bay Area Homeless Services (BAHS) is to assist the homeless and those at risk of homelessness to attain self-sufficiency, acquire permanent housing, and return to independent living as contributing members of society by providing an array of supportive services.

We're Here for you

This long experience in working with the homeless community, as well as assisting homeless individuals to acquire stable living situations, gives BAHS the unique perspective and abilities to provide the enhanced services needed by homeless clients to develop the skills needed to return to society as contributing citizens.

From an overnight shelter for homeless men to a full service emergency shelter for men, women, single parents and intact families, Bay Area Homeless Services continues to grow and develop innovative and productive programs thoughtfully designed to meet the changing needs of our local homeless population.

featured projects

Perry W. and Lou F. Britton
Family Center
The Britton -Fuller Family Center Program provides comprehensive transitional-type housing services to intact homeless families, specifically designed to return these families to self-sufficiency and more permanent housing in the shortest possible time. The facility can accommodate up to six (6) families, usually composed of no more than five (5) individuals each.
Men's Shelter
Foundation Repairs Complete
After a year long, two phase project, the foundation of the men’s shelter has been replaced. This enables the shelter to ensure that the building will remain viable for at least another five years, housing at least 12 men at a time as they seek work in the Greater Baytown area. This was a very expensive project for our shelter, totaling more than $20,000 over the two phases.
Hall’s Carpet Haus
Donates Flooring to Men’s Shelter
Local business and good friend of Bay Area Homeless Services, Hall’s Carpet Haus, has donated new kitchen flooring for the men’s shelter building. Mark and Nancy Hall, longtime supporters of the shelter, donated a new flooring product which has a reputation for being long-lasting, durable and easy to maintain. With the help of a cadre of volunteers the old flooring was removed and new flooring installed in one weekend.
BAHS Adds to Staff with Roving Intern
BAHS is pleased to add Bear E. Rover to our marketing staff as an unpaid intern. Recently relocated to the Baytown area, Bear E. will initially concentrate on strengthening his marketing skills by observing operations at the BAHS shelter buildings, and visiting the offices of our corporate donors and sponsors. Here, he is posing for his official ID card after finishing his computer skills test (which he bear-ly passed). If you see our intern at a local business, please drop us a line at You never know where he will turn up, and seeing him could be an enriching experience.